Saturday, 28 October 2017


Science diswisses the presence of ghosts although no, one knows the truth about the mystery that engulfs death. There have been many theories about Ghosts, but people with their intimidating stories have always kept the topic alive.
                                              Must of the time ghosts are symbolic of the vibration in the environment. And the sense of someone being next to you.This has been termed by many people an apparition. There have been theories that state that Human minds not only have the power to imagine dead people, but also can seen them. This can be one of the reasons why ghosts seem the enist in hums-mind can leave a strong spirit or imprint in a person. There have been cases reported where people have claimed to see a scene of distress over and over again in the same part, theologists term this as the energy of History.
       The international society of ghost hunters was formed to find tangible evidence about the existence of ghosts, set up in 1911 by Dr. Dave Qester and Sharan Gill. It has investigated and written about the paranormal idely-Believes state that some people's spirits find it hard to leave the plan of existence due to on unfinished job. Sudden death or because of their attachment with human being. Theses are the people who became ghosts or spirits.
     Throughout history there have been reference to people communicating with the dead loved ones. Almost all religious agree. The world have some kind of supposition about ghosts and these stories have some kind of and these stories have survived through the ages. Haunting stories at ghost are common folklore. They have been localized in old homes, cemeteries, etc. Human have yet to find evidence of the life death. But paranormal stories are told only to scare people.

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